Campanula rotundifolia (Bluebell Bellflower)

USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Britton, N.L., and A. Brown. 1913. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions. 3 vols. Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York. Vol. 3: 295.


Where Commonly Found: Cliffs, bald, ledges, meadows, fields, shores of rivers or lakes, CT, ME, MA, NH, NY, VT.
How to Identify:
(For unfamiliar words: Wikipedia Glossary of Botanical Terms).
Go Botany Key to Campanula rotundifolia.
Missouri Botanical Garden description of Campanula rotundifolia.

Flower Color:  Blue to purple.
Flower Type:  5 radial petals, 5 stamen.   Flowers are up to 1/2″-1″ long, bell-shaped, hang singly or in clusters on nodding, mostly unbranched stems,
Flower Time:  July – September.
Leaf Arrangement:  Alternate 
leaves on delicate plants with slender, smooth or slightly hairy stems, one leaf per node along stem.
Leaf Type:
Basal rosette of small, rounded, long-stalked leaves, up to 1″, simple leaves that tend to disappear when flowering starts.  Alternate linear leaves on stalk, 1″-3″ long, sessile (no leaf petiole and leaf base attaches directly to the stem).
Height:  1′-1.5′
Seed Collection:  Fine seeds that are hard to time collection before capsule crack open.  Collect plump, green fruit ridged capsules, when a few are brown and ripen in a brown paper bag, shake and sieve through a screen.

Attracts:  Hummingbirds
Use:  Naturalizing
Light:  Full Sun to Full Shade
Hardiness Zone:  3 to 6   USDA Zone Map
Soils:  Dry, Sandy
Notes:  Bluebell Bellflower is a diminutive sweet low-growing wildflower that is not quite aggressive enough to serve as a weed-suppressing ground cover, but nice to add to your lawn or pollinator garden in masse.
Native to Northeast, Midwest and Western US:   Biota of North America Program (BONAP) – North American Plant Atlas (NAPA).

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